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Re: Ebonics


Are you honestly arguing that a system of communication
acknoledged and taught in a public school is satisfying
a 'need or desire to communicate in a private way"?

Or that Ebonics has anything to do with communicating
in the presence of a police officer?

Or that either of the above has anything to do with crypto?

If so, then I think you've said more than enough.

-j, who would like to note that nothing about my viewpoint on
Ebonics has been stated in this message.

At 6:06 PM -0600 on 12/21/96, Matthew J. Miszewski wrote:

> Crypto angle, here?  Much of Ebonics has been based upon a need or desire
> to communicate in a private way.  "5-0" was initiated as a way to
> communicate the presence of a police officer.  Surely, we are not arguing
> against the development of a low-level way to scramble language.  Or in
> fact, are you arguing that attempts to curtail the police should *not* be
> encouraged?  This seems odd coming from some members of the list (Collapse
> of Governments and all) ;-).
> Matt

"I'm about to, or I am going to, die. Either expression is used."
                - Last words of Dominique Bouhours, Grammarian, 1702
Jamie Lawrence                                     [email protected]