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Re: Crypto in New Zealand - an update
At 06:03 AM 2/2/97, pgut001@cs.auckland.ac.nz wrote:
>The following week Andrew Mayo wrote a letter to the editor of the NBR
>containing an eloquent defense of the use of encryption to protect personal
>privacy. MFAT replied to say that they were only following orders, and were
>required by the Wassenaar agreement to restrict crypto exports:
Just for clarification, it is the Wassenaar *arrangement* (somehow the term
is more fitting anyway...) and it does *not* require the signatory
countries to implement crypto export controls.
Not that this will make any difference, since it would be the first time
that a government would allow facts to stand in the way of politics.
-- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred
"I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and
violence, I would advise violence." Mahatma Gandhi