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Re: Keystroke sniffer question

On Sat, 1 Feb 1997, Scott wrote:

> How can you detect if there is a keystroke sniffer on your computer.
All sniffers have to write to disk at some point.  You can detect one by 
checking to see how much disk space you have (DIR on MSDOS), typing a few 
lines of random characters, and check your disk space again.  If it's 
gone down a little, then you probably have one.

> Is there a file name to look for?

Try checking in your TEMP directory...the few ones that I've seen default 
to creating an invisible file in that directory.
> Where do people get them?

They either buy them or write them.

Zach Babayco 

zachb@netcom.com <-------finger for PGP public key

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