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Re: Embarrass a Marylander, Go to Jail

At 08:04 PM 2/3/97 -0500, Robert Hettinga wrote:
>--- begin forwarded text
> Excerpted from...
> =============================================================
> AOP Bulletin      Friday, February 3, 1997       Volume 97:05
> =============================================================
> The following is information distributed to members of the
> Association of Online Professionals and others involved in the
> online communications industry.  Contacts and other information
> about AOP may be found at http://www.aop.org.
> *****************************************************
> Maryland Recycles Law On "Annoying" E-Mail
> *****************************************************
> A Maryland bill that would make it illegal to send "annoying"  or
> "embarrassing" e-mail was introduced this week by Democratic General
> Assembly member Samuel Rosenberg.

I would find any email "annoying" that supported such a bill.  Maybe we 
ought to send emails to Rosenberg, stating that we find his entire proposal 
"annoying," and ask him when he's going to turn himself in for his misdeeds.

Another good argument for AP.

Jim Bell