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Re: Dissolving Choke Points
At 07:59 PM 2/3/97 -0800, Greg Broiles wrote:
>At 10:55 AM 2/3/97 -0800, Peter Hendrickson wrote:
>>Moderation has been a failure. I'm pretty good at filtering and I
>>can sadly report that there is very little signal out there.
>I don't think it's reasonable to expect an increase in signal within 2 1/2
>weeks of the start of moderation. Improvement in the s/n ratio, yes. But
>(at least if my speculation is correct), the good posts driven away by bad
>posts (because some good authors are too busy to wade through lots of crap,
>and some good authors are reluctant to publish their work amidst crap)
>would take a much longer time to return.
Many good authors have already left the list and *nothing* will get them
back. The only solution is to move traffic to a different list. [Ever
wondered why it is called a "TAZ" and not a "PAZ"? Though, in all fairness,
I there is a "SPAZ". <Hi to Dave Synthesis and all the folks from SPAZ>.]
-- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred
"I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and
violence, I would advise violence." Mahatma Gandhi