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Re: "Why am I being completely censored"?
At 03:47 PM 2/6/97 -0600, Firebeard wrote:
>>>>>> John Gilmore writes:
>JG> Hmm. Your message that I just received, about this problem, was
>JG> cc'd to cypherpunks. It did not make it into the
>JG> cypherpunks-unedited list. In examining the message header
>JG> itself, there is an "Approved: yes" line. My guess is that your
>JG> attempt to be too tricky has screwed you.
> It appears that this was the problem. Deal with a
>self-moderated newsgroup, and ent up with self-censorship. *shrug*.
>I wish that John had helped to resolve the problem before I made it
>public, but that's life.
John does have other things to do with his time, you know :-)
If you're abusing email syntax to fake out specialized mail/news handling,
you shouldn't be surprised if it doesn't always fake out the parts
of the system you were trying to fake out....
# Thanks; Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts@ix.netcom.com
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