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offer of unmoderated list home (was Re: IN%"pdh@best.com",IN%"ichudov@algebra.com",IN%"gnu@toad.com",IN%"ay@got.net)
Allen, that post had a garbled header, and some people may have missed
it, so I'll repost (your cc line was broken also, being in the subject
field, so I've added your cc line in):
: Allen Smith <EALLENSMITH@ocelot.Rutgers.EDU> forwards with permission
: Lance Cotrell's email:
: Lance Cottrell <loki@infonex.com> writes in email to Allen:
: >I would be happy to donate the resources to run Cypherpunks off our system.
: >We could set up the list provided we were given a list of subscribers. I
: >assume it would be unmoderated.
: >
: > -Lance
: >
: >> Hi. I don't know how much you've been keeping up with
: >>the discussion on cypherpunks, but there is a current proposal
: >>to distribute the list onto several different servers. I would
: >>be willing to pay for 100 subscribers to run on the cyberpass.net
: >>server, provided that somebody else (e.g., Igor Chudov) set up
: >>the system initially and was available for assistance later. Any
: >>problems on your end?
: >> [...]
: >> Thanks,
: >> -Allen
I'd argue for waiting to see the outcome of the moderation experiment,
before rehoming the list.
The multiple host system proposed by Igor sounds like a good idea in
any event.
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