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Re: Metzger, Denninger square off

Damaged Justice writes:
> [Forwarded from Wired news. Let's cut to the chase: Which side is in the
> right? Who can tell me, in plain and simple language, who is fighting for
> individual freedom and property rights, and who is not?]

>    [LINK] Foes Vow to Take Domain Name Fight to FCC
>    by Gene Koprowski
>    5:01 pm PST 6 Feb 97 - A proposal by the International Ad Hoc
>    Committee (IAHC) to expand the number of Internet top-level domain
>    names is stirring opposition among alternative domain name providers.


>    Denninger said he received a leaked copy of the IACH proposal earlier
>    this week, and he and his colleagues are considering bringing their
>    protests to the FCC. "We're given open access under the telecom law,"
>    says Denninger. "We might talk to the FCC or the Clinton
>    administration about this." Barring that, Denninger will lobby
>    Internet service providers around the country, asking them not to
>    recognize the new GTLDs. "There is no reason to support it. We will do
>    everything in our power to convince ISPs not to go along," he says.

Karl's worried that the new GLTD system might mean that some sites
will be unreachable, so he's going to lobby ISPs to not accept the
new GLDTs to ensure that sites are unreachable?

This reminds me of the Vietnam era "We had to destroy the village in
order to save it."

If I didn't already think that Karl was an idiot, I'd sure think so after
reading this.

Eric Murray  ericm@lne.com  ericm@motorcycle.com  http://www.lne.com/ericm
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