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question on setting up for ipsec/linux
I have 0.4 compiled and loaded on my 2.0.27 system.
I have configured an FTP Software client appropriately for treating the
Linux box as a tunnel for a far-end destination machine. I try doing a
ping of the far machine. The FTP client sends a packet to the Linux box.
Lan tracing and the printfs on the master console of the Linux box seem to
indicate that the packet really did go to the linux box. However, what
happens is:
- the Linux box sends a "protocol unreachable" back to the FTP client.
- the printf's on the console (a line starting with "ipsec_esp" new ip
packet" shows the incoming PING packet
Now I run AH (MD5) and ESP (DES) and the fact I see a fully decrypted PING
packet on the Linux console is quite promising because that seems to prove
I got the SPI's and keys and such configured correctly.
I have checked the documentation that came with the release and the one
thing I did not see was the message "ipsec_tunnel: tunnel: version v0.2b2".
I suspect I have managed to NOT configure some tunnel thing and the IPSEC
code itself is working properly. I suspect I have somehow misconfigured it
such that, after the nice pretty IP packet is unwrapped from the ISPEC
headers, it is not properly injected into the protocol stack properly.
I'd be happy to read the source code to work on this but I'm not sure where
to start looking. The missing message comes from ipsec_tunnel.c I know
from tests sending it invalid SPI values that I really am executing parts
of that file.
Rodney Thayer <rodney@sabletech.com> +1 617 332 7292
Sable Technology Corp, 246 Walnut St., Newton MA 02160 USA
Fax: +1 617 332 7970 http://www.shore.net/~sable
"Developers of communications software"