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Military/Intelligence URL


Here an page, that deals with various intelligence and military

 In> Subject: GOVT> AJAX, Government and Military Intelligence


 In> United States and International Government Military and Intelligence
 In> Agency Access

 In> Certain Locations Or Sections Thereof May Be Closed To
 In> Unauthorized Use.
 In> (If You Prefer A Frameless Environment, Click HERE.)
 In> Last update: 7 FEBRUARY 1997. All accesses verified at
 In> time of inclusion.

 In> CIA                  Central Intelligence Agency
 In> DIA                  Defense Intelligence Agency
 In> NRO                  National Reconnaissance Office
 In> NSA                  National Security Agency
 In> SS                   Secret Service
 In> USCSOI               U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigation

 In> ATF                  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
 In> BOP                  Federal Bureau of Prisons
 In> CID                  U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command
 In> COURTS               U.S. Federal Courts
 In> FBI                  Federal Bureau of Investigation
 In> FINCEN               Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
 In> FLETC                Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
 In> MARSHALS             U.S. Marshals Service
 In> NIJ                  National Institute of Justice
 In> ACC                  Air Combat Command
 In> AFSPC                Air Force Space Command
 In> BMDO                 Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
 In> DEFENSE              Defense Department
 In> DISA                 Defense Information Systems Agency
 In> DRMS                 Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
 In> DTIC                 Defense Technical Information Center
 In> JCS                  Joint Chiefs of Staff
 In> NAVWAN               Naval Aviation Systems Team Wide Area Network
 In> NAWCWPNS             Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
 In> NSWC                 Naval Surface Warfare Center
 In> USAFA                United States Air Force Academy

 In> AHPCRC               Army High Performance Computing Research Center
 In> ARPA                 Advanced Research Projects Agency
 In> LABLINK              U.S. Department of Defense Laboratory System
 In> NRL                  The Naval Research Laboratory RL
 In> USAF                 Rome Laboratory for C41 Technology
 In> USACIL               U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory

 In> NATGUARD             Army and Air National Guards
 In> USA                  United States Army
 In> USAF                 United States Air Force
 In> USCG                 United States Coast Guard
 In> USMC                 United States Marine Corps
 In> USN                  United States Navy

 In> EPA                  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
 In> FAA                  Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center
 In> FCC                  Federal Communications Commission
 In> FTC                  Federal Trade Commission
 In> NMFS                 National Marine Fisheries Service
 In> NRC                  Nuclear Regulatory Commission
 In> SEC                  Securities and Exchange Commission
 In> CDC                  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
 In> CENSUS               U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census
 In> CONGRESS             U.S. House of Representatives
 In> CUSTOMS              U.S. Customs Service
 In> DOE                  U.S. Department of Energy  National Laboratories
 In> & Programs
 In> EXECUTIVE            The White House
 In> FDIC                 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
 In> FEMA                 Federal Emergency Management Agency
 In> FMS                  Financial Management Service
 In> GPO                  U.S. Government Printing Office
 In> GSA                  U.S. General Services Administration
 In> HHS                  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
 In> HPCC                 NOAA High Performance Computing and
 In> Communications IRS                  Internal Revenue Service
 In> JUSTICE              Justice Department
 In> NARA                 National Archives and Records Administration
 In> NASA                 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
 In> NCDC                 National Climatic Data Center
 In> NIMH                 National Institute of Mental Health
 In> NOAA                 National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
 In> NSF                  National Science Foundation
 In> NTIS                 National Technical Information Service
 In> SBA                  Small Business Administration
 In> SEL                  Space Environment Laboratory
 In> STATE                State Department
 In> TREASURY             Treasury Department
 In> USCODE               U.S. House of Representatives
 In> Internet Law Library U.S. Code

 In> CSE                  Communications Security Establishment
 In> CISC                 Criminal Intelligence Service Canada
 In> CSIS                 Canadian Security Intelligence Service
 In> SIRC                 Security Intelligence Review Committee
 In> UNITED KINGDOM       CIM Central Intelligence Machinery

 In> DJC                  Department of Justice of Canada
 In> FORENSIC             The Forensic Web
 In> RCMP                 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
 In> SGC                  Solicitor General of Canada

 In> UNITED NATIONS       UNCPCJ United Nations Crime Prevention &
 In> Criminal Justice

 In> CFC                  Canadian Forces College
 In> DREO                 Defense Research Establishment, Ottawa

 In> ARMY                  The British Army
 In> CDA                   Centre for Defence Analysis
 In> DRA                   Defence Research Agency

 In> NATO                  North Atlantic Treaty Organization
 In> SACLANT               Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic
 In> SHAPE                 Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe

 In> BECCA                 Business Espionage Controls & Countermeasures
 In> Association
 In> CRYPTOLOG             Internet Guide to Cryptography
 In> DCJFTF                Washington, D.C. Joint Fugitive Task Force
 In> WANTED                "The World's Most Wanted" (Fugitives and
 In> Unsolved Crimes)



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