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Re: Network of majordomos
At 1:09 PM 2/11/1997, Greg Broiles wrote:
>At 10:45 AM 2/11/97 -0600, Firebeard wrote:
>> [...] I've already taken steps, along with Jim Choate, to
>> start a network of majordomos hosting a Cypherpunks mailing list.
>> [...] Our intention is to have a set of majordomos which
>> are intersubscribed to a cypherpunks list on each one, with measures
>> taken to ensure that mail loops don't develop.
> I still think you're just rediscovering Usenet technology....
> And, if you must, run mail-to-news gateway(s) which send the newsgroup to
> people who want it as E-mail.
> Usenet technology does exactly what you're describing:...
How about this? The people who like Usenet should race ahead and set
it up. The people who like networks of majordomos should race ahead
and set those up. Just so long as the tracks meet somewhere in Utah.
The more people are involved with distributing the "list" the more
robust it will be.
Peter Hendrickson