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Re: Recommendation: Creation of "alt.cypherpunks" (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 16:22:28 -0800
> From: "Timothy C. May" <tcmay@got.net>
> Subject: Re: Recommendation: Creation of "alt.cypherpunks"

> I was making the point that _any_ site distributing a list is likely to
> face legal pressures not to carry certain items. Read between the lines (or
> read the unedited list) the discussion by John Gilmore, Sandy Sandfort, and
> the products of Sandy's company, and legal pressures applied, to see what I
> mean.

This is exactly the reason that my suggestion to anyone setting up a
remailer with any sort of controversial content should do it as some sort of
outreach of their business. It is too expensive in time, money, and hassles
to do for grins and giggles.

                                                      Jim Choate