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Re: (2)Excerpt on SPAM from Edupage, 11 February 1997


on or about 970212:1525 "Timothy C. May" <tcmay@got.net> said:

+At 6:21 PM +0000 2/12/97, Attila T. Hun wrote:
+>    maybe relief is in sight; can we spell excedrin?
+>on or about 970211:1433 educom@elanor.oit.unc.edu said:
+>+A U.S. district court in Ohio has granted CompuServe's request for a
+>+preliminary injunction barring Cyber Promotions Inc. from sending
+>+unsolicited e-mail to its subscribers while the commercial provider

+Were I a customer of CompuServe, I'd ask on what basis CompuServe was
+intercepting e-mail to me. In fact, a CompuServe account holder has
+made just this point: "I'll decide what's junk mail and what's not."]]
    I could not agree more, in theory, except for the postage you 
    discuss below which permits spammers greed to exceed responsibility, 
    let alone the public interest.

    I am, of course, a theoretical anarchist; I believe I could put 
    aside greed (and have) to be sufficiently altruistic to make a 
    society of anarchists work (in a limited population model). 

        "Only two things are infinite, 
          the universe and human stupidity, 
          and I'm not sure about the former."
                --Albert Einstein

    as long as we have a >30% third and fourth generation welfare class 
    which the dogood liberal bleeders say we are obligated to sustain 
    their breeding; and another 30% which are functionally illiterate, 
    there is no hope for idealism.
    our "neighbors" have no idea how to spell anarchy, let alone 
    understand the price of freedom.

    just because I would cut off the permanent welfare class at the 
    knees, and disenfranchise the functionally illiterate if I had the 
    chance, does not make anarchy any more feasible; it's just a more 
    rigid police state for the havenots --again, something we do not 

    sorry to be a pragmatic pessimist, but it went down hill with the 
    16th amendment and the Federal Reserve Act to benefit the     
    Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Rothschilds, Chases, etc. at our expense. 

+Having the court system involved in deciding what mail is valid and
+what is not valid is not my idea of a free society.
    again, you are correct except anarchy requires responsibility. free 
    agency has its requirements and this is why junk fax was banned.
    too many members of our society can not spell anarchy or 
    responsibility --their knowledge of vocabulary starts and ends with 

+Having said this, the flaw remains that "junk mail" is "free" to the
+sender. This is a flaw in the ontology of e-mail, and needs to be
+fixed. Digital postage is one approach.

    probably cut down on our postings to cp as well!  32 cents to post?

+I'm not holding my breath, but I sure don't want a "District Court"

    I don't like the regulatory agencies either, but at least they are 
    not Judge Roy Bean, Law West of the Pecos.

    unfortunately, until the irresponsible tone down their greed, we 
    need the regulation to protect ourselves from the predators.

    in other words, I agree with you in my heart, but our society 
    refuses to cooperate.  

  "Explain to me, slowly and carefully, 
    why if person A, when screwed over on a deal by B; 
    is morally obligated to consult, pay, and defer to, person C 
    for the purpose of seeing justice done; 
    and why person C has any legitimate gripe,
    if A just hauls off and smacks B around like a dead carp." 

 "attila" 1024/C20B6905/23 D0 FA 7F 6A 8F 60 66 BC AF AE 56 98 C0 D7 B0

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be
