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Re: alt.cypherpunks

> I haven't seen any rmgroups for alt.cypherpunks.  Paul Bradley's
> newgroup for alt.cypherpunks is nowhere to be found, but Mike Duvos'
> newgroup made it onto the Net, and was reposted the next day by 
> usenet@news.myriad.ml.org.

My local server (news.demon.co.uk) recognised my newgroup for 
alt.cypherpunks and it was immediately visible, I don`t know how far 
it propogated or where Mikes took effect but whatever the 
distribution we seem to have reached most main news servers.
>         alt.cypherpunks.announce
>         alt.cypherpunks.social
>         alt.cypherpunks.technical
> and, of course...
>         alt.fan.paul.bradley

What else?

> The latter has been rmgrouped because it was not discussed in 
> alt.config. 

No, It was rmgrouped because the cmsg had no charter, I posted this 
to see if the Cabal would respond.
> I might suggest that deliberately tweeking the whiskers of the Cabal by
> gratuitous newgrouping is unlikely to bode well for alt.cypherpunks. 

Quite so, I recieved mail the next day from a member of said clique 
telling me he "considered rmgrouping alt.cypherpunks.announce" 
because it was unmoderated. Needless to say he got a stern talking to 
for that one ;-) I guess I just have to much of a partiality for a 
little whisker tweeking ;-)

> --
> Eric Michael Cordian 0+
> O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
> "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

  Datacomms Technologies web authoring and data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk
  Paul@crypto.uk.eu.org, Paul@cryptography.uk.eu.org    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: 5BBFAEB1
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"