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Re: Feds OK 128-bit crypto amid protests

At 19:14 -0500 97-02-13, Bradley Dunn wrote:
>for details.

Thanks for the pointer.

Note that, unlike the previous three recipients of crypto export licenses,
Open Market did not enable government access to keys.  Instead they went
through the "expensive ... exercise" of convincing "government officials
that the product could not be used to encrypt anything but specific
financial numbers."

 - Tim

Timothy N. Hill <tnh@acm.org>                "We all love to instruct,
Wellesley, Massachusetts                      though we can teach only
<http://www.ma.ultranet.com/~tnh/>         what is not worth knowing."
PGP F058F75D 99C5122F 21C5BEF5 620C1D3C             - Elizabeth Bennet