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Re: Fuck UseNet (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:39:41 -0800 (PST)
> From: Kent Crispin <kent@songbird.com>

> But the distributed mailing list is by far the most interesting 
> solution.  Contrary to what some have claimed, it really isn't the 
> same as usenet -- it allows for distributed control.  There is no 
> doubt that the operator of a mail list host should have the freedom 
> to set his or her policies as they see fit -- it is their machine, 
> and their responsibility.  And contrariwise, subscribers should have 
> the freedom to chose list hosts with compatible philosophies.

Perhaps in addition to the X-foo structures we have discussed already we
might consider adding,

X-distrib-policy: foo

Where foo might be,

         Public Domain
         All rights reserved, contact author for redistribution
         Distribution for non-commercial uses permitted
         Refer to authors header

or whatever the policy might be for a given remailer. This would
significantly aid folks in their shopping around.

                                                    Jim Choate