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Re: Fuck UseNet (fwd)
E. Allen Smith allegedly said:
> From: IN%"ravage@EINSTEIN.ssz.com" "Jim Choate" 15-FEB-1997 07:11:54.43
> >Perhaps in addition to the X-foo structures we have discussed already we
> >might consider adding,
> >X-distrib-policy: foo
> >Where foo might be,
> > Public Domain
> > All rights reserved, contact author for redistribution
> > Distribution for non-commercial uses permitted
> > Refer to authors header
> > Copyleft
> > etc.
> >or whatever the policy might be for a given remailer. This would
> >significantly aid folks in their shopping around.
> The basic difficulty with this idea is that _senders_ generally
> don't have much of a choice where the messages go, once you've decided
> to accept them. In other words, just because you've decided to accept
> a message doesn't mean it suddenly becomes
> copyleft/public domain/whatever. Now, if you, say, announced that only
> subscribers to your particular list, subscribers to any other lists
> adopting the same idea, and those who'd sign a consent agreement could
> post through your list, that wouldn't be a problem... although I
> suspect you wouldn't get many subscribers.
> -Allen
That wouldn't be the way it work -- Jim operates one of the cp
remailers; I operate another. Jim has a standard policy concerning
public domain/copyright that is different than mine. So *I* put an
X-distrib-policy header in all the cp mail I forward to him. More
precisely, all of my incoming mail for "cypherpunks@songbird.com"
gets the header.
This protocol needs a bit of refinement, and perhaps some hacking at
majordomo, but seems fairly straightforward.
Jim's policy is actually very reasonable. It has a rational basis,
though one might disagree with it, and it is easy to deal with
it this way. A more extreme policy -- "The operator of this mailing
list claims an exclusive copyright on every piece of mail sent to it;
by sending to it you agree to this policy", for example -- would be
harder to deal with.
Kent Crispin "No reason to get excited",
kent@songbird.com,kc@llnl.gov the thief he kindly spoke...
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