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Re: Mirrors and replies-to

> However, I would like it if the mirror operators would reinstantiate a
> feature of the original list for me. The reply-to field on the mirrors is
> currently set to cypherpunks@toad.com. On the original list, this was set
> to "sender", both to keep people from replying to the list unnecessarily
> (hah! :-)) but also to keep mail loops from forming. Mail loops could be a
> big problem, especially when you guys put together your neo-netnews
> mailring. (a little jyaism, that... :-)).

	As to the Mailloops: Majordomo seems (at least to me) to be 
pretty good about handling those kinds of things. If you configure it 

	I would rather have the replyto:cypherpunks as I am rather lazy, and
would like to be able to save everything in one file easily. 

	Just my $0.01.