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Re: (fwd) DES challenge organisation
(wow, what a distribution. I should mention that des-challenge is down
this weekend, so the response may not be as expected.)
>>>>> "Timothy" == Timothy C May <tcmay@got.net> writes:
Timothy> At 11:02 PM +0000 2/15/97, Adam Back wrote:
>> Thomas S <ths@fh28.fa.umist.ac.uk> writes:
>>> [...]
>>> 5. The prize money will be split equally between Gutenberg and
>>> EFF. There is a possibility of using part of it for stickers
>>> or something similar, but don't count on it.
>> Not a good idea.
>> How can this be enforced? The RSADSI DES challenge is open to
>> all comers, and how do you prove that someone who finds the key
>> found it through this group effort?
The client reports the key to the server, not to the user (very
simple, and very simple ways to get around of course). In a nutshell:
we can't enforce it, at least I can't see a way to do so. We certainly
can't keep people from doing their own "treasure hunt".
Timothy> A 2-4x factor is significant, and may warrant a
Timothy> coordinated search. However, the various problems
Timothy> implicit in coordinated searches are factors, too.
Timothy> Also, an uncoordinated search solves the "prize" problem,
Timothy> as whomever finds the key makes the contact with RSADSI.
Indeed--that's what we try to avoid. Our project is not a race for
money, it is a demonstration with a political impact.
The main point in favour of a coordinated search is the availability
of progress reports. Nobody can argue that the key was found by
chance--as there is exact data about performance and the expected
maximum duration for the search.
Timothy> One of the problems with a coordinated search, if the
Timothy> remaining keyspace to be doled out is publically
Timothy> announced, is that as the keyspace is searched and a key
Timothy> _not_ found, the remaining keyspace is increasingly more
Timothy> tempting for "independent searchers" to search. Sort of
Timothy> the way the odds on some lotteries actually become
Timothy> "acceptable" as the lottery pot grows. The organizer of
Timothy> the coordinated search must then, I surmise, keep the
Timothy> assignments secret and dole out keyspace securely.
This is a technical problem which is discussed at the moment. The
keyspace will not be publically announced (and it wasn't during the
last project).
OOOO, OOOOOOOO, |, ths@rz.tu-ilmenau.de
OO, OO, O, O, |, http://www.rz.tu-ilmenau.de/~ths/
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O, O, O, |, |homas __)te| |en
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