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FC97: Post-strike airfares

One more datablip about FC97 and I'll shut up a bit.

Having just promised gratuitously cheap airfares to Anguilla/St. Maarten, I
went and called the local branch of American Express Travel and got some
actual prices. Their number is 617-868-2600, but AEXP-T has branches
everywhere, and, I think, an 800 number, so you might want to get ahold of
them that way...

Anyway, here's what I got, as of about 20 minutes ago:

For departures 2/22/97 with return 3/1/97,

Boston  Anguilla           $  864
Boston  St. Maarten           851 (+ Taxi and short ferry ride to Anguilla)
San Francisco  Anguilla       828
San Francisco  St. Maarten    748
Heathrow  Anguilla          1,315 (looks like the strike didn't affect you
folks, sorry)

All in all, that's as good as the prices we were getting for 14 day advance
purchase earlier this month. Not bad, but not completely spectacular. Note
that it's cheaper to get to Anguilla or St. Maarten from San Francisco than
it is from Boston, so y'all don't have an excuse. Well, possibly seat
fatigue, but Sunday on the beach will fix that.

I'll check tomorrow to see if the airline yield management software war
gives us something better after the weekend's over. Only if fares are
significantly lower will I post something here about it, in the interest of
nomex conservation. :-).

If you *do* decide to fly while the seats are hot, don't forget to register
for FC97 first, so we can plan for meals and stuff:

Bob Hettinga

Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"Never attribute to conspiracy what can be
explained by stupidity." -- Jerry Pournelle
The e$ Home Page: http://www.shipwright.com/rah/
FC97: Anguilla, anyone? http://www.ai/fc97/