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Re: Questions about Naughty Robot (fwd)

On Sun, 16 Feb 1997, Genocide wrote:

> 	I got this message (on a system that I am webmaster on) regarding
> something that sounded so stupid it made me chuckle...Naughty Robot...I
> have enclosed the message below.  If any of you have any idea what this
> user is talking about, any info would be appreciated.
> 	Personally it sounds like another "GoodTimes Virus" again...
> Genocide
> Head of the Genocide2600 Group

It is another fake... this is what my ISP's sysadmin sent me about it...

----Begin Fwd Message----
          NaughtyRobot - DON'T PANIC! 
          Sun, 16 Feb 1997 15:10:38 -0700 
          Zbigniew Indelak <zeebee@superiway.net>

You may receive (or may have already received) a message that looks like
if it was sent from your own account with the subject line "security
breached by NaughtyRobot".  In the message, you will most likely be told
that all of your personal information has been accessed by NaughtyRobot
and that you should contact the police, disconnect your phone line, cut
up your credit cards and report them as stolen, etc, etc.  DON'T PANIC!
It's just a bad joke someone is playing on you.  For more information on
this issue, read the article at


Zbigniew Indelak (ZeeBee)       | mailto:zeebee@superiway.net
Network Operations Manager      | http://www.superiway.net
Super i-Way Internet Services   | Tel: (403)413-9465

Chris Kuethe <ckuethe@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> LPGV Electronics and Controls
   'finger -l ckuethe@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca' for pgp keys
        <c100305@wolfcreek.cs.ualberta.ca> http://www.ualberta.ca/~ckuethe/
RSA in 2 lines of PERL lives at http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/          
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