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Re: Anyone have the complete info on CP list alternatives?
Mark M. wrote:
> - Newsgroups alt.cypherpunks, alt.cypherpunks.announce,
> alt.cypherpunks.social, alt.cypherpunks.technical have been created.
... Along with several others.
> - The distributed list is still forming and so far consists of
> cypherpunks@algebra.com, cypherpunks@ssz.com, and others of which I
> do not know the location. A mail<->news gateway is planned, but not
> yet in place, between the distributed list and the newsgroup(s).
It is in place. It feeds from cypherpunks@algebra.com. Bryan Reece
reece@taz.nceye.net runs the posting bot. taz.nceye.net is an open
newsserver offering several cypherpunks newsgroups.
I am not yet sure if taz is now a part of the mainstream usenet, that
is, it may not be connected to the Big USENET.
> cypherpunks@algebra.com is receiving messages from
> cypherpunks-unedited. I assume this means that the other hosts part
> of the distributed list are also receiving cypherpunks-unedited
> messages.
> - Lance Cottrell is running another list (cypherpunks@cyberpass.net) that is
> not yet part of the distributed list. It is also receiving feed from
> toad.com.
I will subscribe to it.
Now, it is important to realize that Lance's machine is probably much
better connected than mine. Once we get connected with him, you may be
better off reading cypherpunks from cypherpunks@cyberpass.net. If you
su-bsc-ribe to cypherpunks@algebra.com, it may take longer for articles
to reach you.
> If you don't want to miss any messages, then you should subscribe to both
> cypherpunks@cyberpass.net and one of the distributed list nodes. Since both
> are receiving cypherpunks-unedited, you can safely unsubscribe from
> cypherpunks-unedited, -flames, or the "main" list. Since these lists have
> overlapping content, you should delete duplicates.
I still think that it is a good idea to do nothing for several days and
wait until the distributed network picks up cyberpass. Then, subscribe
to any node of your liking.
- Igor.