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Re: The Science Generations, II
< snow writes >
> This is where I often get a little confused.
> Correct me if I am wrong, but it was my understanding that the
> constitutuion was _not_ a document that explicitly spelled out what writes
> _I_ had, but rather spelled out fairly precisely what the _government_ was
> allowed to do.
> In otherwords, the Constitution does not restrict _me_ rather it
> restricts the _feds_ (and the Feds alone).
> My rights are WHATEVER ISN'T IN THE CONSTITUTION, and the government
> can only, ONLY do what the constitution says it can.
> ???
( non-US residents, tune out ... )
This is the way it ( the constitution ) was written to work; however,
the feds have found an interesting way around this. Here, in two easy steps,
is their secret backdoor through the constitution:
Step 1: Take our money in federal taxes.
Step 2: Refuse to give it back to us unless we follow their guidelines.
It's been done time and time again, "for our own good". Witness the
country-wide drinking age of 21 ( if states don't enact it, they lose their
highway funds ), or the upcoming welfare "return" to the states.
So, while the Federal government doesn't enact the legislation, they
have a big enough stick to force states and local govt. to bend to their
Pete Capelli, CNE UB Networks, Inc. pcapelli@ub.com
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They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin, 1759