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Announcing ZDNet Exclusives!

ZDNET ANNOUNCEMENT          2/3/97

Greetings from ZDNet!

We're pleased to announce a FREE gift to our 
loyal community of Web users:  the launch of
ZDNet Exclusives, the Web's first FREE collection 
of innovative software utilities, developed for 
our members by ZDNet and its renowned Software 
Library team!

ZDNet Exclusives require no registration fees; 
they are absolutely FREE to all the members of 
the ZDNet community.  Over 50 programs are 
available for download right now at:


The new ZDNet Exclusives collection 
features many invaluable utilities to make
computing easier as well as some entertaining
programs to make it more fun; including:

*CookieMaster*   Enables users to identify, view 
and opt to delete the Web cookies placed on 
their hard drives by the Web sites they've visited. 

*Gates Does Windows 95*  An all-time favorite 
screen saver that depicts Bill Gates washing windows.

*Shoebox PIM*   An easy way to organize and store 
all of that personal information you'd be likely to save 
in a shoebox.

* Plus, many more!*

Log on to ZDNet and start downloading your
FREE ZDNet Exclusives today!

Let us know what you think.  We have more
ZDNet Exclusives under development and would
appreciate your feedback.

---Preston Gralla
   Executive Editor
   The ZDNet Software Library


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