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The Konformist: The Chamish Files - Bibi Part Two

Subj: ESSAY: [2/2] Natanyahu

Date: 97-01-31 12:51:08 EST

From: chamish@netmedia.net.il (Chamish Barry)

>From: Chamish Barry <chamish@netmedia.net.il>


>The Secret Life Of Binyamin Netanyahu


>Even within the conventional story, it is clear that Netanyahu was

>groomed for leadership by the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) in New

>York. In 1979, twenty-seven year old Netanyahu called a conference on

>terrorism and the ruling elite of the CFR, Bush, Shultz and Perle

>answered to his summons. One word will suffice: why?


>Yoni Netanyahu was undoubtedly a martyr but far from the only one in

>Israel. He was not such a powerful symbol that the CFR would send a

>delegation of its biggest guns, including CIA director Bush to his

>unknown brother's get-together.


>Netanyahu's decision to quit his lucrative Boston job is almost

>inexplcable. Netanyahu sought a highpaying job at a prestigious

>consulting firm yet not two months later, he gave it up to fly back to

>Israel and sell sofas. He was barely settled in back home when he

>decided to organize an anti-terrorism conference and invite the most

>powerful people in Washington to attend.


>It is possible that Netanyahu was told to quit his job, return to

>Israel and arrange the conference. Perhaps there is a connection to the

>fact that a year later Shultz later made fighting terrorism a first

>priority of the Reagan administration and that Vice-President Bush was

>appointed to head a front for illegal covert activities called The

>Anti-Terror Task Force.


>Arens' offer of a deputy ambassadorship to salesman Netanyahu

>made no political sense. Israeli diplomatic aides and deputies

>typically rise slowly through the Foreign Ministry bureaucracy. They

>are not thrust into the second highest position at the most vital

>embassy in the world. It is far from impossible that Arens was

>directed to bring in Netanyahu by the very people in the Reagan

>administration who attended his conference three years earlier.


>Once in New York in 1984, CFR-affiliated media such as CNN, the New

>York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek and CFR members Koppel and King

>turned Netanyahu into a major political figure; so much so that George

>Shultz became a close friend. We again ask the succinct question: why?

>What did Shultz, twenty years Netanyahu's senior, find so amusing about

>the Israeli UN Ambassador that he had to pay him a courtesy call every

>time he flew to New York? In 1985, Shultz chaired another Netanyahu-

>organized conference on terrorism, this time in Washington. The

>resulting publicity and prestige was a significant factor in

>Netanyahu's fast-rising political career. Clearly, the secretary-of-

>state had a major stake in Netanyahu's future. Which means, so did

>George Bush.


>All that can be concluded from the conventional story. What then do we

>make of Bibi's secret life?


>In 1987, Netanyahu applied for credit using his American social

>security number 020364537. With that number, he or someone else made

>the application under a phony name, John Sullivan, living at a false

>address in Northern California.


>Netanyahu used Sullivan's name to borrow money during 1987-88. John

>Sullivan does not exist, nor does Netanyahu's credit file. Israeli and

>American reporters who tried to dig into Netanyahu's past using his

>social security number discovered two other phony names used to apply

>for credit in 1987-88 but were perplexed to find that his credit

>records were completely removed. Only someone very high up in the

>American government could have authorized the erasing of the file.


>We return to the all-purpose question: why? Again, no one who knows is

>talking. What is nearly certain is that while Netanyahu was the UN

>Ambassador, he was either defrauding a credit company or on an

>assignment involving money that required three identity changes.


>Then there is Netanyahu's close relationship with Congressman Ben

>Gillman, head of the House Committee On International Relations. The

>problem here is that Gillman was also a close associate of Shabtai

>Kalmonovitch and shared business deals with him in Africa. Kalmonovitch

>was, not long after, imprisoned in Israel as a KGB spy. This is not to

>imply that Netanyahu was involved in spying, only that his closest ally

>in Congress has mighty strange intelligence ties to Israel.


>And what to make of the mystery of Netanyahu's housing?. Before he was

>even the leader of the Likud, two foreign businessmen, Jack Mandel of

>Australia and Sandy Eisenstadt of the US each paid about $750,000 to

>buy Netanyahu luxury apartments in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Again, no

>one has a clue why. There is speculation that part of the reason may be

>Eisenstadt's stake in an Israeli oil exploration company, a shady and

>hidden business, but no concrete connection has been discovered by the

>Israeli media.


>Netanyahu's penchant for secrecy is not subtle. It is well-known among

>the Israeli media that he had conducted a number of secret meetings

>with the Jordanian royal family in London and Amman before he became

>prime minister. Even the conventional Jerusalem Post reported in mid-

>June that six secret meetings were held in the past two years. But when

>Inside Israel just before the elections asked Netanyahu to comment on

>the meetings, he denied they had ever taken place.


>Perhaps the most secret and worrying ties concern what is supposedly a

>high-tech services company. Yediot Ahronot relates how Netanyahu wooed

>a local Likud leader. "He was invited by Netanyahu to a meeting in his

>office at Systematics in Ramat Gan. The head of the company, Oded

>Levental is a candidate for a financial post in the new government."


>Systematics is at the core of serious research by American alternative

>publications, including the usually reliable Media Bypass. In short,

>the allegations are that the National Security Agency had handed

>Systematics stolen software called Promis that opened a trap door to

>the world's secret banking transactions. About 250 Americans, mostly

>politicians, had their illegal foreign accounts emptied of over $3.5

>billion in the operation. It is claimed that Colin Powell dropped out

>of the presidential race after his account electronically vanished.

>Leading figures in the operation included George Bush, Caspar

>Weinberger and two Arkansas attorneys, Vince Foster Jr. and Hillary

>Rodham Clinton on behalf of Clinton financier Jackson Stephens. The

>research invariably concludes that Foster was murdered because he knew

>too much about the scam.


>A leading investigative writer, Sherman Skolnick, writes:


>"Some contend Systematics is an NSA proprietary and spies on banks

>overseas. Can Systematics rightfully deny spying actually done by

>buffers or cut-outs between Systematics and NSA? Systematics, through a

>spokesperson, vigorously denies Foster assisted it in any spying on

>foreign banks but remains apparently silent on whether Hillary Rodham

>Clinton assisted Systematics in some nefarious activities."


>Is it fair to ask why Systematics provided Netanyahu office space and

>if this was the sum total of its involvement with him?


>Since taking office, Netanyahu has fueled fears of international

>control by his actions within Israel's tiny anti-NWO community. They

>were most intrigued by his refusal to give Ariel Sharon a sensitive

>cabinet post. One possible reason is fear of Sharon's own intelligence

>arm in the US. Then for those people who fervently hoped that he would

>rid himself of any connections to the Arye Deri scandal, with all its

>implications of money laundering and perhaps murder, Netanyahu

>appointed as his Justice Minister, Yaacov Neeman, a lawyer who is

>currently being investigated for intimidating a key witness against

>Deri in a London trial.


>But the topper was Netanyahu's decision to allow Yaacov Frenkel to run

>the country's economy single-handedly. Frenkel worked for the World

>Bank between 1971-1990. After nineteen years away from "home" Frenkel

>was unexplainedly appointed head of the Bank of Israel.


>His policies mirrored the world-wide debt program of his previous

>employer documented by numerous researchers. The plan involves raising

>interest rates beyond what the public or industry can afford, and

>forcing the government to borrow lots of money from American banks to

>keep the populace pacified. When the debts have to be repaid from an

>empty treasury, the International Monetary Fund bails out the country

>with schemes guaranteed to impoverish the people.


>Frenkel was a proponent of Israel borrowing $10 billion in loans

>guaranteed by the American government and he kept his interest rates as

>high as he could in the face of opposition from then-Finance Minister

>Avraham Shohat who suspected Frenkel, "was playing politics with the

>Bank of Israel."


>Binyamin Netanyahu, the man who Inside Israel hoped would save Israel

>from the NWO puppet regime of Peres, appointed Yaacov Frenkel to be his

>Minister of Finance. The only thing that prevented the disaster was

>party opposition to an appointee who had never publicly supported the



>Dan Meridor got the post instead. But as the Maariv headline read:

>"Meridor Will Act, Frenkel Will Lead." On his first day in office

>Meridor announced that his policy would be to lower the standard of

>living in Israel. Not a week later, Frenkel raised the interest rates

>by a whopping 1.5% with Meridor's "approval."


>Something is going on behind the scenes at the CFR. While Secretary of

>State Warren Christopher must appear to be opposing Likud government

>policies to keep the Arabs in line, the former CFR director is playing

>some kind of double game with Netanyahu.


>King Hussein made his accommodation with Netanyahu well before the

>elections and refused to support Peres during the campaign. Netanyahu's

>victory clearly delighted him and on the surface, why not? The last

>thing he would want is a PLO state on his border with control of the

>Moslem holy sites. In time, it will become clearer what Netanyahu

>promised the King during the secret London meetings. Included, most

>assuredly, will be Jordanian hegemony over the Temple Mount.


>There has been a transformation in Israel but the CFR is still running

>the latest prime minister. And that is a good reason for intense fear

>about Israel's future.


>Barry Chamish is the editor of Inside Israel, an investigative report

>on Israeli affairs. For a free sample copy and subscription

>information, write:



>POB 579

>Swindon, Wiltshire


>Fax: 44-793-790722



>Sent by Barry Chamish - Israeli journalist.

>Phone/Fax : (972)-2-9914936

>E-Mail    : chamish@netmedia.net.il
