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Appointment Verification
We would like to ask for your help with a survey for a service bureau we are
considering developing software for in voice communications.
This software will be used to remind patients of their upcoming
appointments, allow them to confirm or reschedule. After confirming
which patients will not be able to make their appointment the system will
contact all individuals that are on a waiting list to schedule them for open
time slots.....
For assisting us we will mail you a FREE certificate for 100 rolls of Kodak film
and a 35 mm camera. NO ONE WIll CALL YOU!
1. Do you feel doctors would use a service which calls patients
for them using a personalized Voice system reminding them of
their appointments?
____yes ____NO
2. How important do you feel it is to doctors to eliminate the drudgery of
staff calling patients reminding them of appointments.
not important ______
somewhat important ______
Very important ______
3. What's do you feel would be a fair price or doctors would be willing to pay for such a service?
100-$200 per month _____
200-$300 per month _____
300- $400 per month _____
Other ____________
Please email your answers to advance@ns.net
If you have any suggestions on any additional automated voice service you would like to see
someone develop please let us know. Thanks again for your participation.