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Fw: Internet Alert! Pay for local dial-up??


> From: E-Mail Communications <freedom@econopromo.com>
> To: you@alberta.sallynet.com
> Subject: Internet  Alert!    Pay for local dial-up??
> Date: Saturday, February 08, 1997 7:09 PM
> *****************************************
> INTERNET USERS ALERT!!!   It has come to our attention that several
> local telephone companies have petitioned the FCC for permission
> to charge Internet Users by the minute for  LOCAL  dial-up telephone 
> service.  This would affect every Internet User, including those
> using AOL dial-up. 
> For more information,  see the FCC site: http://www.fcc.gov/isp.htm.  
> Please send an E-Mail to  isp@fcc.gov
> to express your outrage at the idea of allowing telephone companies
> to charge by the minute for LOCAL dial-up service.  E-Mail comments
> must be sent by Feb. 13th, 1997.  This affects every Internet user!!

The question is.... "what can *WE* do.


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