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The Konformist Takes Care Of The Stray Dogs
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please e-mail Robalini@aol.com with the subject: I NEED TO
KONFORM. (Okay, you can use something else, but it's a
cool catch phrase.) Please e-mail me back with subject:
CANCEL KONFORMIST if you're not interested in receiving
this. Thanks, Robert Sterling.
I figure this is a good time to pass info and thanks.
>From Evan Soule:
O.K. Here is is. I recently discovered the location of this site(s).
I do not explicitly know who created it, and in this regard it is a rather
mysterious site as you may also find:
The Sites: http://www.freedom-server.co.uk/Essays.html
Robalini's Note: for a good collection of Libertarian essays, this is a good
place to go.
From: pentiumpower@internetx.net (pentiumpower)
SURF ANONYMOUSLY --> http://www.anonymizer.com
TWA 800-THE TRUTH --> http://www.erols.com/igoddard/twa-fact.htm
OKC/WTC-THE TRUTH --> http://www.erols.com/igoddard/facts.htm
GWS & LOTS MORE-THE TRUTH --> http://www.cco.net/~trufax
My page --> http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3101/
Robalini's Note: All of these, are, in my book, A++ sites.
>From my wacky Uncle Markie (who was a Deadhead before all the
Starbuck-quaffing trendies jumped on the bandwagon), proving interest in this
stuff is genetically linked:
Here are two sites I haven't checked yet, but come highly recommended:
haigt asbury
Then there is Parascope, at http://www.parascope.com. I didn't mention it
before, since, on AOL, I don't access it by the web. I was a little
skeptical when it started (would AOL really have a good site that bucks the
waves), but they've shown they are their own bosses. For general conspiracy
info and the like, it is right up there with Jonathon Vankin's and John
Whalen's 50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time site.
And, last but not least:
Lisa Pease
Yeah, I've mentioned it before, but I've gotten a few emails thanking me for
mentioning her site. No surprise: I found out about it from her postings on
the Alt.conspiracy.JFK newsgroup, where she shows herself to be one of the
few really good writers on the web.
And now, some special other thanks.
First, to Claire Gilbert, Publisher of "Blazing Tattles", which originated as
an investigation on the burning oil and Gulf War Syndrome. It now
specializes in investigations of health related matters. She sent me a free
copy, and it was good enough for me to subscribe, with articles on the
benefits of the Zone Diet, the dangers of margarine, and more GWS news. You
can reach "Blazing Tattles" for more info at:
Claire W. Gilbert, Ph.D., Publisher, Blazing Tattles
P.O. Box 1073, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019, USA
Phone: 415-712-0772
Email: <blazing@crl.com> FAX: 415-712-8547 (call first)
To Kenn Thomas at Steamshovel Press, which is a great model for any
underground magazine. Issue 15 came out recently, with, among other things,
a great article on the Nation of Islam's connections to neo-Nazi group, a
book excerpt of Thomas and Jim Keith's book "The Octopus", a look in on other
theories of the cause of AIDS, and a wonderful interview with the late great
Timothy Leary. Mr. Thomas has been a great supporter of mine, and I really
appreciate it. For info, email him at:
Deep River Books in Santa Monica is the best little book store you will ever
find. It has books the corporate store, with their gazillion book titles,
won't dare touch. The owner is a real cool dude. You can reach them at
(310) 451-1224, or by email or web at:
Also, my pal (and business partner), Scott Rose. You can reach him at his
vanity-plate named site at:
In the L.A. area, Scott is the premier Filemaker Database maker, bar none
(though I often help him out.) Email him, or call him at (213) 954-1978 for
details. (Scott, you owe me a dinner for this.)
And, as many of the readers of the Konformist are libertarians, I mention the
best libertarian commentator on the web, bar none: L. Neil Smith. He wrote
the Lando Calrissian Star Wars book trilogy (which I'm currently reading),
and his fiction is even better than his non-fiction. You can reach the guy
Special thanks to Alex Constantine and Adam Parfrey for continued
correspondance and support. Feral House Press has an incredible collection
of books. You can reach Adam at Feral Press at:
Other thanks to:
FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Media)
The Church of the Subgenius and Grand Master Ivan Stang:
MindNet Journal for its positive feedback and reporting on mind control and
brainwashing experiments:
James Pinkerton, who proves that not all L.A. Time commentators are mindless
Robert Parry at the Consortium. I bet he's embarrassed to discover this, but
his investigations into dirty deeds of the Reagan-Bush years has been quite
an influence on this magazine:
Douglas Rushkoff, for taking it in stride when I called him an asshole:
Rodney Stitch, author of the top-notch expose "Defrauding America" which did
all the busy work on the intelligence-mafia link to drugs and banking
scandals, links which don't end in the good old USA.
And finally, though they have no product, Paul Watson and Howlin' Blue of
Texas for giving me info a commie-leftist Clinton supporter like myself would
never find. Thanks, dudes.
I probably have forgotten a billion people. If so, sorry, I'll be doing this
every now and then. Thanks, and good luck.
Robert Sterling,
Editor, The Konformist
The Konformist is interested in accepting articles,
opinions, free subscriptions, and advertising. E-mail us at
Robalini@aol.com, or call (310) 967-4195.
The Konformist is a subsidiary of Sterling Operation
Solutions, the trouble-shooting problem-solvers for all
business needs. We charge on a sliding scale based on the
difficulty (and legality) of the proposed solution. Call
(310) 967-4195 for further information.
Hey kids, don't forget to enter the "Rockin' To Armageddon
Sweepstakes", sponsored by The Konformist, the Official
Internet Investigative Journal of the 1997 Academy Awards.
(Okay, it's not official, but we're anti-authority
anyways.) Right down the day, month, year, and time of the
end of the world, and, as a tie-breaker, your nominee for the
anti-Christ. The winner will receive a t-shirt stating, "I Came
Closest To Predicting The Apocalypse, And All I Got Was
This Crummy T-Shirt." You will also receive a free one
year supply of Twix candy bars.
Also, this is a free magazine, but we'll still take your
money if you want. Please send cash, check, money orders,
and credit card numbers (Visa, Master Card, American
Express, or Discover) to:
Robert Sterling
Post Office Box 24825
Los Angeles, California 90024-0825