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NEW "Black Box" Technology!!
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NEW "Black Box" Technology !!
GET IN ON THE TOP LEVEL of the Hottest New Program
of the new company created to handle the basket of telecom-
munications breakthrough technologies we're going to
represent. It is based in Chesapeake, VA. GCT has been
put together by a highly seasoned group including MAJOR
individuals in the Telecom industry. They have selected
Kerry J. Young, a skilled executive and administrator, to be
President and CEO. They have also assembled a blue ribbon
support team headed by a top level executive from one of the
"big three" telephone companies. This combined powerhouse
of high-level Telecom experience, management, administration,
marketing and financial depth promises to make GCT one of
the world's premier telecommunications companies.
Their mission: To create the world's largest MLM network to
deliver advanced Telecom technology at the most competitive
price. In short, they plan on delivering products that will stand
the industry on its ear!
2. GCT has set up a 24-hour information line: 415-273-6121.
Call it NOW! It is powerful. It will introduce several of the
key players and answer questions about the products, how
they work and how our business will be structured.
3. The company has announced the official launch date: Monday,
March 3, 1997. On Saturday, the 15th of March, GCT will be
holding simultaneous training's/meetings in eight cities across the
United States. The locations are: Atlanta + Chicago + Dallas +
Honolulu + Los Angeles + Orlando + Seattle + Washington, DC.
The company will add additional cities as you indicate your
preference. Seating is extremely limited and must be reserved in
advance by calling an 800# which will be made available within
a few days on the GCT hotline. Price: $59 - includes Distributor
4. What will we be offering? We will have a FULL RANGE
of products -- with far more advanced technology and far better
pricing than is currently being offered by the several, hastily
launched GCT wannabees. The first products announced
include a prepaid calling card at 9.9 cents per minute, long
distance service at 7.9 cents and WE HAVE the long awaited
"black box" technology! It comes in three versions (from basic
to advanced) and will wholesale: $39 - $69. In addition, there
are several more advanced products which will be brought into
our portfolio. As more information becomes available, it is
increasingly clear: We are poised to bring the world what
everyone has been promised -- but ONLY WE CAN DELIVER!
6. Beware of other companies who have attempted to preempt
GCT by implying they can duplicate the various products that
we already have on board. This program is not merely an
application form and compensation plan offering a single,
7.9 cent product. GCT is a major new Telecom company
assembling a full range of leading edge telecommunications
technology. The success of this program requires the contacts
and know-how of the Telecom industry that can only come from
years of experience at the highest levels. Bringing these
exceptional products to market is not a project for well-meaning
7. The only way to participate in the program described
above is to join GCT. They are the ONLY COMPANY with
the contracts in hand, technical skill and telecommunications
experience to deliver. Global Connections is a group of very
experienced marketers and networkers who have an Independent
Distributorship positioned directly at the top level of GCT.
8. We are signing up the frontline on Monday & Tuesday... I can place you on the top levels...
Email me for registration form at: omex@cyberservices.com
Put "BLACK BOX" in the subject box.