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The Konformist: Viewer Mail

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CANCEL KONFORMIST if you're not interested in receiving 
this.  Thanks, Robert Sterling.

The following comments are from Alex Constantine.

Subj: Jon Rappaport's Frauds

Date: 97-01-27 14:29:28 EST

From: alex@mach1.directnet.com (Alex Constantine)

        I want you to know I have no faith whatsoever in Rappaport. His

"book" on the CIA and mind control is actually a file of transcripts

compiled by Valerie Wolf, a New Orleans therapist. Rappaport wrote a

five-page introduction, and he has since claimed ad nauseum that he is the

"author" of the book. He is not. He did not even edit it. The material was

used to advance his own career, and published as is. Yet he still claims he

is the book's "author," and never corrects the many introductions in which

he is credited with having "written" the thing. This is a fraud. His book

on the OK bombing has its own problems, among them a reliance on General

Partin of the Birch Society, discussed in my story on Calspan & McVeigh,

and other dubious sources. This is not to say the book is totally false,

but much of it does not check out. Rappaport also fawns over Bo Gritz. Need

I say more?

Robalini's Note: My sole experiences with Jon Rappaport is interviewing him
on the phone and through my work with Jack Herer and the Hemp Legalization
movement.  Thief or not, Rappaport has a good collection of interesting info
he's written about.  As for General Partin and Bo Gritz, I take their
information for what it is worth, and often it is worth a lot.

Also from big Al:

>>1)  Alex Constantine, in his piece, has, to a degree, implied that McVeigh


>>guilty as charged but was brainwashed.


>        I said specifically he was "monitored." I don't know if he was

>brainwashed, and neither do you, but there is some evidence to support his

>claim that he was implanted. Other killers in the article were NOT

>brainwashed, and I did NOT "imply" that they were. Sweeny, the killer of

>Allard Lowenstein, was ANGRY, not "brainwashed." The freeway killer in San

>Francisco was NOT brainwashed, but ANGRY. The only brainwashed figure in

>the story was Dan White. McVeigh was ANGRY, not BRAINWASHED.


>> Personally, I have some very serious

>>doubts of his guilt, to say the least. I suspect McVeigh, though involved

>>with the people who did the bombing, had no fucking clue what was going

>> In fact, if you check out some other sites (including Tony Sgarlatti's

>>page at http://www.future.net/~thetruth/okc.html and the always stupendous

>>Ian Goddard's http://www.erols.com/igoddard/facts.htm) you will soon


>>that the evidence really leans to there being two bombs, and that neither


>>them actually came from the truck itself.


>        I've talked to Scarlatti. He posted  bogus information, and an

>equally dubious explanation for the bogus information. I know there are

>others involved, and possibly more than one bomb. Your view on the case

>agrees with the militias, who I found to be lying on numerous occasions.

>What I posted was an extract from a much longer story that answers many of

>your questions, and clarifies some of the hazy areas and your

>speculations. McVeigh is no innocent, but your analysis agrees with

>Rappaport, whose book is totally made up of militia postings on the


Robalini's Note: Scarlatti's site, whatever the flaws are to it, is a
mindblower, and should be read for that reason alone.  I may add he's been
very encouraging to The Konformist, and I'm certainly going to burn my
bridges with him.  Still, if you, or anyone else, has any specific criticisms
of his (or other) sites, please let me know and I will forward it.  As for
the militas, well, I've never been into running around in the forest with
guns (though it sounds kind of fun), and I suspect much of that crowd would
hate my guts, but I believe they speak a lot of truth, and that their opinion
needs to be heard.  On the OK Bombing, in particular, they have been
admirable in bringing forth evidence that the corporate media has pretended
doesn't exist.  In fact, if I fault militas members for anything, it is that
they don't go far enough in their condemnation of society, and I think it is
odd that a group which is very much anti-government could fawn over the
military (the most powerful arm of the government) so pathetically.  And,
lets face it, racism and homophobia is quite rampant in the milta crowd (as
it is in the rest of society), so I think there is quite a bit of fraudulence
in many members claims of wanting "less government" and being for "freedom".
 But, hey, if I was going to cut off people who's opinion I disagreed with,
I'd be living in a cave.

Subj:  Re: The Konformist - The Kempler Film
Date:  Sat, 08 Feb, 1997 06:11 PM EDT
From:  density4@cts.com

Greetings Brother Bob,

>>                        by Barry Chamish

You're aware, I take it, that Brother Barry Chamish is also fond of writing
articles about UFOs and little grey space aliens.  Don't believe me, check
it out:


-Brother Blue, B:.B:., 33x
 Sacerdotal Knight of National Security, etc.
 E Pluribus Caeruleus -- "Out of many, THAT WHICH IS BLUE"

Robalini's Note: That's fine by me.  I hope to get some UFO articles and the
like out on this list, for, as I've stated before, I think so far The
Konformist has been a little too politically oriented.  I have been told by
many people that that's a bad idea, that I should stick to this niche, but
screw it, if UFO articles bug you, you can kiss my ass.
The Konformist is interested in accepting articles, 
opinions, free subscriptions, and advertising.  E-mail us at 
Robalini@aol.com, or call (310) 967-4195. 

The Konformist is a subsidiary of Sterling Operation 
Solutions, the trouble-shooting problem-solvers for all 
business needs.  We charge on a sliding scale based on the 
difficulty (and legality) of the proposed solution.  Call 
(310) 967-4195 for further information. 

Hey kids, don't forget to enter the "Rockin' To Armageddon 
Sweepstakes", sponsored by The Konformist, the Official 
Internet Investigative Journal of the 1997 Academy Awards.
(Okay, it's not official, but we're anti-authority 
anyways.)  Right down the day, month, year, and time of the
end of the world, and, as a tie-breaker, your nominee for the
anti-Christ.  The winner will receive a t-shirt stating, "I 
CameClosest To Predicting The Apocalypse, And All I Got 
Was This Crummy T-Shirt."  You will also receive a free 
one year supply of Twix candy bars. 

Also, this is a free magazine, but we'll still take your 
money if you want.  Please send cash, check, money orders, 
and credit card numbers (Visa, Master Card, American 
Express, or Discover) to: 
Robert Sterling 
Post Office Box 24825 
Los Angeles, California 90024-0825