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Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"

ichudov@algebra.com wrote:
| i have already set up majordomo@algebra.com and cypherpunks@algebra.com 
| and can join.

	While compitition is great (I think this is the second
replacement list?), having multiple cypherpunks lists is a recipie for
confusion and cross-posting, which there is already enough of on

	So, I'll make the following suggestion:

	Those who are willing to create lists work together so
that there is a single subscribe address, and a single submit address,
however many exploders exist.

	I would personally prefer to see the name cypherpunks lay
fallow for a while, and suggest cpunks or something similar.

	Note that I'm doing nothing more than making a suggestion.
Take it as my considered enthusiasm for the continuation of
cypherpunks as a list.


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."