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Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"
Against Moderation writes:
> If you want to fight censorship effectively, going around telling
> people "You're a shit-eating faggot you fucking cock-sucking homo
> censor" in public forums is not going to win you many points.
On the contrary.
John Grubor is Usenet's most effective probe as to the mindset of
people who really want free speech. The precise litmus test of
free speech is vehemently offensive things that are spoken.
> Instead, it will quickly land you in many people's killfiles, and will
> eventually lead some people with bad client software to wonder if it
> wouldn't be worth giving up some freedom of speech for the benefit of
> not having to see your rants any more.
Then they don't want free speech. They want the illusion of free
speech, "free speech as long as you don't say THOSE things".
> Unfortunately, it sort of makes life harder for those who actually
> fight the censorship when you pretend to be one of them. Your
> argument seems to run something like, "To protect freedom of speech,
> bad all faggots from the net, and especially don't let them run any
> mailing lists." If this offensive and highly noticeable argument
> eclipses many of the important, fundamental ones as the censors would
> like it too (why do you think your articles make it to cypherpunks-
> flames while mine only get as far as -unedited), you will end up not
> only inducing censorship but also seriously hampering the efforts of
> those who are legitimately fighting that censorship.
Don't you get it? Real censorship issues do not arise until someone
rocks the boat. It takes someone to rock the boat to make you aware
of your own prejudices of that nature. If it takes attacking
homosexuals and pissing them off enough to make them show their
true colors and begin censorship...so be it. Why be civil when that
civility serves to hide that which is ultimately against free speech?
You'll find those of us who -truly- want free speech are extremely
good at ignoring what we don't like.
Dave Hayes - Altadena CA, USA - dave@jetcafe.org
Freedom Knight of Usenet - http://www.jetcafe.org/~dave/usenet
Don't teach the blind until you have practiced living with closed eyes