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Re: [Declan McCullagh: "A List Goes Down In Flames," from Netly]

At 10:31 AM 2/14/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Having been "on" the net for over 15 years -- and with experience
>in both ends of the censorship/moderation problem  (I'm probably
>the only Cypherpunks member to have had a book "banned in Boston"),
>I'm sorry that a handful of sociopaths managed to destroy this
>experiment in anarchy, but I suspect that this was inevitable.
>Martin Minow

For the FWIW dept:
Hmm...yes I agree.  Handful of sociopaths.  Inevitable?  Perhaps.  

On one hand anarchy, on the other control.  Free-wheeling vs. stifling.
Complete free speech vs. censorship.    

Oh, sure.  You can always say that one is more "right" than the other.  But
I believe everyone sees the validity of both sides...whether you agree with
them is another thing. So, we seem stuck between the two. And yet, they say
there is always a third option.  We just need some time to pull away and
see it.  

This "experiment in anarchy" may be coming to an end.  But I like your
choice of words: "experiment."  We've learned a great deal through this
one.  Perhaps next time we'll structure things differently.  Who knows?
Long after the last packet leaves cyhperpunks@toad.com, the spirit, the
ideas and ideals will remain.

Take good care,

Michael Ehling