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Re: All Hail Emperor Lewis! (was: Re: status: shoppingplanet jan 20

Toto wrote:
> Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> > These working examples also prove the other point I have found myself
> > having to repeat... i.e. that anyone who posts to USENET news is trivially
> > ``cullable'', and that E-mail spammers can have all of the E-mail addresses
> > they could ever hope to use any day of the week.

> Did you notice that when the 'censorship experiment' on the CypherPunks
> list was abandoned, that Greg Broiles called for the list to be 'killed'?
> Did you notice that when he was ignored, that he then changed his
> postition to suggest that UseNet was the proper forum for continuing
> the list?

Life is too complicated, ya' know?  I just wanna know who is this
PATTI SHOCK <shock@nevada.edu>  person, who's allegedly calling for
a moderation of some forum on Usenet.  The way I see it, if she's a
real babe, somebody should fix her up with some censored material
just to keep her happy.  Then just let some really mean, dirty
material through once a month or so, just so she knows the process
is working, and protecting her from all sorts of hideous stuff.

OTOH, if she's a Chelsea Clinton look-alike, why bother?