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Re: GAK/KR spin
> Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 14:34:49 -0800
> From: Steve Schear <azur@netcom.com>
> To: cypherpunks@toad.com
> Subject: GAK/KR spin
> Several months back there were discussions on the list regarding renaming
> the government's key escrow/recovery proposals (KRAP comes to mind). I
> think we need something that's catchy and simple (perhaps already familiar)
> to understand for the semi-litterate citizen units. I propose we encourage
> use of the terms "crippleware" or "crypto crippleware" when refering to the
> products limited to their weak crypto and/or key escrow/recovery.
> --Steve
For some time, I have been using the term 'espionage-enabled
software' to describe GAK'd products. Also, 'compromised
software' - I want to make the point that 'key escrow/recovery' ==
Peter Trei
PS: I have SW for working on the $10,000 DES challenge available.