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BA Crypto Machine Photos (fwd)

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>From boatanchors@theporch.com  Tue Feb  4 12:01:17 1997
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 10:53:20 -0600 (CST)
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Subject: BA Crypto Machine Photos
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Dear BA'ers,

Recently, I acquired some BA crypto machine photos courtesy of the Canadian 
Security Establishment. If anyone wants full size, selected, JPEG copies of 
these photos, please let me know and I can send them as attached files to 
E-mail. As a reminder, there are two stories beginning with the same file 
name in the BA archives which accompany the photos.

KL7.JPG     Colour 108 kbytes
KWR37.JPG   B & W   51 kbytes   

BTW, does anyone know the meaning of 'order wire mode' in the context of a 
crypto broadcast? This mode is found in the KWR-37 online crypto 
receiver. Please send all photo requests or responses via private E-mail.

Jerry Proc VE3FAB
E-mail: jproc@bellglobal.com
HMCS Haida Naval Museum
Toronto, Ontario
'Looking for a 'AN/SRC-501' 