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re: Moderation, Tim, Sandy, me, etc * Reputation Capital
On Wed, 5 Feb 1997, Name Withheld by Request wrote:
> [snip]
> John Gilmore said:
> >Perhaps at that point I should have shut down the list, as Lucky is
> >now suggesting. "Asking the list what to do" was clearly not a useful
> >option. Sandy cared enough about the community to make some concrete
> Not a useful option? Why not? If there aren't any ideas left in this
> community, I'm with Lucky. Pull the plug.
> [snip]
I've been meaning to ask this for a while...but why *don't* we just pull
the plug, at least for just a few days?
Unsubscribe everyone from all the lists, wait a bit, and then send a
message to all of the subscribers with full info on each of the lists
(cp, cp-unedited,cp-flames) and see what happens when they resubscribe.
I bet that most of the people who don't post and don't care one way or
the other wouldn't bother to resubscribe, so we'd have a higher ratio of
people who mind if the list is moderated vs. those who'd be happy either
Zach Babayco
zachb@netcom.com <-------finger for PGP public key
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