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Harvard Symposium

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Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 15:10:17 -0800
From: jmuller@brobeck.com (John D. Muller)
Subject: Harvard Symposium
To: rah@shipwright.com

        Bob:  I don't recall seeing this on e$pam and thought it might be
     of interest.  What with the Boston connection, it's clearly a
     dcsb-worthy item, and I'll send it to them separately.

______________________________ Forward Header
Author:  "K. Dueker" <kdueker@LAW.HARVARD.EDU> at internet
Date:    2/4/97 1:00 AM



Symposium:  Crime & Technology
Law Enforcement Technology % Cybercrime % Electronic Commerce

(Cambridge, Massachusetts) - The Harvard Journal of Law & Technology is
pleased to announce its Spring Symposium: "Crime & Technology."  The
Symposium will be held Saturday, March 15, 1997, in the Ames Courtroom at
the Harvard Law School in Cambridge, MA.

The Symposium will consist of two moderated panel discussions, as well as
several presentations.  The morning session is expected to focus on
"Search, Seizure, and Surveillance Technology," while the afternoon session
will focus on "The Risks of Electronic Banking & Commerce."

Admission to the Symposium is free to all Harvard affiliates (with valid
Harvard ID), $15 for all other students, $30 for public sector
professionals, and $100 for private sector professionals.

The Spring Issue of the Journal will include articles covering the broad
topic of "Crime and Technology."

For additional information about the Symposium or the Journal, contact
Symposium Editor Belinda Juran, by e-mail at juran@law.harvard.edu, or by
phone at the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology offices at
617-495-3606 or 617-493-7949.

The Harvard Journal of Law & Technology is a leading scholarly
publication for articles addressing the many diverse interstices of
science and technology with law and society.  We have published articles
by law professors, practitioners, business leaders, and politicians on
varied topics including biotechnology, computers, international trade,
technology transfer, intellectual property, medical technologies, and
telecommunications. These and other subjects are some of the most
exciting and rapidly developing areas of the law, and we believe that the
dialogue provided by the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology will help to
shape the future of this important field.  We welcome submissions of
articles, case comments, or book reviews addressing the relationship of
law and technology.

For additional information, please contact the Journal at the address
below.  The Journal publishes three issues each year. To subscribe to the
Journal's upcoming issues in Volume 10,  please send the Journal a check
for U.S. $45.00 (foreign orders $50.00) to the address below.  To obtain
the issue discussed above or back issues, please send the Journal a check
for $35.00 with a note indicating the desired issue (i.e., "Vol. 9 No. 2").

Media Contact:  Kenneth S. Dueker, Communications Editor
Release Date:  February 04, 1997.


              Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
              Publications Center
              Harvard Law School
              Cambridge, MA 02138

              Telephone: (617) 495-3606

              E-Mail:  jolt@law.harvard.edu
              WWW:  http://www.law.harvard.edu/home/jolt/


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Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"Never attribute to conspiracy what can be
explained by stupidity." -- Jerry Pournelle
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