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Re: BA Crypto Machine Photos

> >BTW, does anyone know the meaning of 'order wire mode' in the context of a
> >crypto broadcast? This mode is found in the KWR-37 online crypto
> >receiver. Please send all photo requests or responses via private E-mail.
> If it means the same thing as in the telecom industry, its an out-of-band
> (often analof) channel between two locations connected by wide-band (e.g.,
> T1) facilities.  Its primary purpose is to provide service personnel, at
> each end point, the ability to converse with one another while performing
> work on that link.

I would also guess it might be something similar to the orderwire in
the telecom industry.  I am more familiar with digital orderwire systems,
but orderwires are generally all similar.  You have a communications 
link, and some overhead on that link is dedicated to providing 
a voice channel for communications between sites so that people
working on the line can communicate with each other.

In a crypto system - I could see that the orderwire might be a
in-the-clear transmission as part of the overhead so that people at 
each end of a hop can figure out why the data (i.e. encrypted) portion
isn't getting through.

Dan Oelke                                  Alcatel Network Systems
droelke@aud.alcatel.com                             Richardson, TX