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ANNOUNCEMNT: February 1997 Cypherpunks Bay Area Meeting
What: San Francisco Bay Area Cypherpunks monthly physical meeting
When: Saturday February 8th, 1997
Where: Turning Auditorium, Stanford University, Stanford California
Agenda: 11:++ setup, gossip, face feeding etc.
12:00 USG Export 'Laws' of the week, Roz Thomsen, PGP inc.
13:00 PGPmail & PGPdisk overview, Dave Del Torto, PGP inc.
14:00 Break
14:30 Announcements, late breaking news, etc.
15:00 The 3 hour 40bit challenge, Ian Goldberg, UCBstudent
16:00 Why bother killing the list?, Hugh Daniel
Future Meeting Planing, IPSEC Update, etc.
17:00 This hour left bank for future expansion...
18:30 Dinner at Thai City, 3691 El Camino Real, PA
(All times are approximate and likely to be totaly ignored...)
Turning Auditorium is in Polya Hall, Jordan Quad, Stanford
University, Stanford, Santa Clara County, California, USA.
A (bit)map to the part of the Stanford Campus where the
meeting will be held is at:
General directions:
- From Hwy 101, take the Embarcadero exit all the way to campus. Turn right
(clockwise) on Campus Drive. Turn left into the Jordan Quad parking lot.
- From Hwy 280, take Sand Hill. Turn right on Junipero Serra, then left
(counterclockwise) onto Campus Drive. Turn right into the Jordan Quad
parking lot.
Host: Many thanks to Richard Graves <llurch@stanford.edu> and to
Stanford University for providing the space for this months
Notes: We will have a small NHK (Nipon(Japan)) film crew at much of
this meeting, they are doing a documentary and are interested
in how this (main) branch cypherpunks works (or does not work
as the case may be...).
We have a wonderful space to do demos in this month, Turing
Auditorium has Internet, projections screens, audio amps and
a Clone-PC and a Macintosh to demo software, web sites etc.
If you have something Cypherpunkish to demo, this is the
month to do so!