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Re: Deloitte-Touche, e$pam plug, Moderation, Cypherpunks as a cresote bush
At 09:09 PM 2/5/97 -0500, Robert Hettinga wrote:
>In the meantime, if you're interested in e$, or financial crypto, or other
>stuff I'm interested ("it don't say e$pam until Bob says it says e$pam"
>:-)), you might want to check it.
I think that Bob's e$ list should be considered a viable alternative to the
other two filtered cpunks lists; I recommend it to people looking for a
moderated alternative to the list. (I get e$, but use Eudora and procmail to
suck out the duplicates where messages are copied from lists I already get.)
He also finds a lot of the stuff that used to show up on cpunks but doesn't
any more because people have wandered away.
I've been meaning to write up a long message explaining why I think I'm about
to drop off of the list. It's peculiar to spend a lot of time discussing
things with a group of people over the course of several years and then
disappear without saying why. But I'm having trouble coming up with anything
more profound than "it's not interesting any more." Philosophically, I agree
with Lucky - it looks to me like it's time to kill the list and move on to
other things. But that's not my choice to make, and perhaps other people can
still extract something useful from this. More power to them if they can.
I'm starting to think that cpunks may be similar to college, in that it's a
good thing for a few years, but if you stick around too long you just get
bitter and cranky and frustrated because the new people keep talking about
the same old problems. Don't they know we've already talked about that?
Version: 4.5
Greg Broiles | US crypto export control policy in a nutshell:
gbroiles@netbox.com |
http://www.io.com/~gbroiles | Export jobs, not crypto.