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Re: sci.crypt archive?

Paul Rubin <phr@netcom.com> writes:
> Is anyone on cypherpunks archiving sci.crypt?  I'd be interested
> in getting hold of some articles from some years back... thanks

There is some one who archives it, it's up for ftp.  Look in the
sci.crypt FAQ, or do a web search to find the URL.  I grabbed a copy
for Remo Pini for the crypto CD, but I've lost the URL.

The Crypto CD (I have one) has Jan 92 to Sep 94 (articles 6871 to
32742) on it.  See http://www.rpini.com/ if you're interested.

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>