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revised FC97 program
Financial Cryptography '97
February 24-28 1997, Anguilla, BWI
(Revised 6 February 1997)
General Information:
Financial Cryptography '97 (FC97) is a new conference on the security
of digital financial transactions. The first meeting will be held on
the island of Anguilla in the British West Indies on February 24-28,
1997. FC97 aims to bring together persons involved in both the
financial and data security fields to foster cooperation and exchange
of ideas.
Original papers were solicited on all aspects of financial data
security and digital commerce in general.
Program Committee:
Matthew Franklin, AT&T Laboratories--Research, Murray Hill, NJ, USA
Michael Froomkin, U. Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, FL, USA
Rafael Hirschfeld (Program Chair), CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Arjen Lenstra, Citibank, New York, NY, USA
Mark Manasse, Digital Equipment Corporation, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Kevin McCurley, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Charles Merrill, McCarter & English, Newark, NJ, USA
Clifford Neuman, Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA, USA
Sholom Rosen, Citibank, New York, NY, USA
Israel Sendrovic, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, NY, USA
Preliminary Conference Program for FC97:
Monday 24 February 1997
800 -- 820
820 -- 830
830 -- 905
Anonymity Control in E-Cash Systems
George Davida (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA),
Yair Frankel (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA),
Yiannis Tsiounis (Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA),
Moti Yung (CertCo, New York, NY, USA)
905 -- 940
How to Make Personalized Web Browsing Simple, Secure, and Anonymous
Eran Gabber, Phil Gibbons, Yossi Matias, Alain Mayer
(Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies)
940 -- 1015
Anonymous Networking and Virtual Intranets: Tools for Anonymous
Jim McCoy (Electric Communities, Cupertino, CA, USA)
1015 -- 1045
Coffee Break
1045 -- 1120
Unlinkable Serial Transactions
Paul F. Syverson (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA),
Stuart G. Stubblebine (AT&T Labs--Research, Murray Hill, NJ, USA),
David M. Goldschlag (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA)
1120 -- 1155
Efficient Electronic Cash with Restricted Privacy
Cristian Radu, Rene Govaerts, Joos Vandewalle
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
1155 -- 1230
The SPEED Cipher
Yuliang Zheng (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
1230 -- 1330
1800 -- 1930
Cocktail Reception (at Mariners Hotel)
Tuesday 25 February 1997
800 -- 830
830 -- 930
Invited Speaker
Evaluating the security of electronic money;
the view of a European central bank
Simon L. Lelieveldt (De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
930 -- 1005
Smart Cards and Superhighways
The technology-driven denationalisation of money
David G.W. Birch, Neil A. McEvoy (Hyperion, Surrey, England)
1005 -- 1045
Coffee Break
1045 -- 1120
Fault Induction Attacks, Tamper Resistance, and Hostile Reverse
Engineering in Perspective
David P. Maher (AT&T Labs--Research, Murray Hill, NJ, USA)
1120 -- 1155
Some Critical Remarks on "Dynamic Data Authentication" as
specified in EMV '96
Louis C. Guillou (CCETT, Cesson-Sevigne, France)
1155 -- 1230
Single-chip implementation of a cryptosystem for financial
Nikolaus Lange (SICAN Braunschweig GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany)
1230 -- 1330
Wednesday 26 February 1997
800 -- 830
830 -- 930
Invited Speaker
Ronald Rivest (MIT Lab for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, USA)
930 -- 1005
Auditable Metering with Lightweight Security
Matthew K. Franklin, Dahlia Malkhi
(AT&T Labs--Research, Murray Hill, NJ, USA)
1005 -- 1045
Coffee Break
1045 -- 1120
SVP: a Flexible Micropayment Scheme
Jacques Stern, Serge Vaudenay (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France)
1120 -- 1155
An efficient micropayment system based on probabilistic polling
Stanislaw Jarecki (MIT Lab for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, USA),
Andrew Odlyzko (AT&T Labs--Research, Murray Hill, NJ, USA)
1155 -- 1230
On the continuum between on-line and off-line e-cash systems - I
Yacov Yacobi (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA)
1230 -- 1330
Thursday 27 February 1997
800 -- 830
830 -- 905
Towards Multiple-payment Schemes for Digital Money
H. Pagnia, R. Jansen (University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany)
905 -- 940
Applying Anti-Trust Policies to Increase Trust in a Versatile
E-Money System
Markus Jakobsson (UCSD, La Jolla, CA, USA),
Moti Yung (BTEC/CertCo, New York, NY, USA)
940 -- 1015
Cyberbanking and Privacy: The Contracts Model
Peter P. Swire (Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA)
1015 -- 1045
Coffee Break
1045 -- 1120
Legal Issues in Cryptography
Edward J. Radlo (Fenwick & West LLP, Palo Alto, CA, USA)
1120 -- 1230
Panel Discussion
Legal Issues of Digital Signatures
Michael Froomkin (U. of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, FL, USA),
Charles Merrill (McCarter & English, Newark, NJ, USA),
Benjamin Wright (Dallas, TX, USA)
1230 -- 1330
1930 -- 2015
Invited Speaker
Money Laundering: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Peter Wayner (Baltimore, MD, USA)
2015 -- 2200
Rump Session
Friday 28 February 1997
800 -- 830
830 -- 905
The Strategic Role of Government in Electronic Commerce
Paul Lampru (Verifone, Atlanta, GA, USA)
905 -- 940
Using Markets to Achieve Efficient Task Distribution
Ian Grigg, Christopher C. Petro (Systemics, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
940 -- 1015
The Gateway Security Model in the Java Electronic Commerce Framework
Theodore Goldstein (Sun Microsystems Laboratories/Javasoft)
1015 -- 1045
Coffee Break
1045 -- 1120
Highly Scalable On-line Payments Via Task Decoupling
David William Kravitz (CertCo LLC, Albuquerque, NM, USA)
1120 -- 1155
GUMP; Grand Unified Meta-Protocols
Recipes for Simple, Standards-based Financial Cryptography
Barbara Fox, Brian Beckman (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA)
1155 -- 1230
Secure Network Communications and Secure Store&Forward Mechanisms
with SAP R/3
Bernhard Esslinger (SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany)
1230 -- 1330
Updates of the conference schedule will be available at the URL
The conference will run from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM for five days,
February 24-28 1997. Breakfast and lunch are provided at the
conference. The conference organizers have left the afternoons and
evenings open for corporate sponsored events, for networking, and for
recreational activities on the resort island of Anguilla.
Participants are encouraged to bring their families.
A 40-hour workshop, intended for anyone with commercial software
development experience who wants hands-on familiarity with the issues
and technology of financial cryptography, is planned in conjunction
with FC97, to be held during the week preceding the conference.
For more information on the workshop, please see the URL
For workshop registration, see the URL
The InterIsland Hotel is a small 14-room guest house and a large,
comfortable 150 seat conference facility with additional space for a
small 10-booth exhibition. The Inter-Island is on Road Bay, near
Sandy Ground Village, in the South Hill section of Anguilla. The
conference, workshop, and exhibition will have TCP/IP internet access.
The rooms at the InterIsland itself have sold out, but there are many
other hotels and guest houses on Anguilla, and shuttle service to the
conference will be available.
Air Transportation and Hotels:
Air travel to Anguilla is typically done through either San Juan or
St. Thomas for US flights, or St. Maarten/Martin for flights from
Europe and the US.
Anguillan import duties are not imposed on hardware or software which
will leave the island again. There are no other taxes--or cryptography
import/export restrictions--on Anguilla.
Hotels range from spartan to luxurious, and more information about
hotels on Anguilla can be obtained from your travel agent, or at the
URL http://www.offshore.com.ai/fc97/.
General Chairs:
Robert Hettinga, Shipwright/e$, Boston, MA, USA;
Vincent Cate, Offshore Information Services, Anguilla, BWI;
Conference, Exhibits, and Sponsorship Manager:
Julie Rackliffe, Boston, MA, USA;
Workshop Leader:
Ian Goldberg, Berkeley, CA, USA;
You can register and pay for conference admission via the World Wide
Web at the URL http://www.offshore.com.ai/fc97/.
The cost of the FC97 Conference is US$1,000.
Booths for the exhibition start at US$5,000 and include two conference
tickets. For more information about exhibit space, contact Julie
Rackliffe, rackliffe@tcm.org. Sponsorship opportunities for FC97 are
still available.
The cost of the workshop is US$5000, and includes meals but not
lodging. You can register for the workshop, which runs the week prior
to the conference, at the URL http://www.offshore.com.ai/fc97.
Financial Cryptography '97 is held in cooperation with the
International Association for Cryptologic Research.
It is sponsored by:
The Journal for Internet Banking and Commerce
Offshore Information Services <http://www.offshore.com.ai/>
e$ <http://www.shipwright.com/rah/>
C2NET <http://www.c2.net/>
See Your Name Here <mailto: rackliffe@tcm.org>