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Re: World's first Ecash note
At 09:26 PM 2/6/97 -0800, Jeremey Barrett wrote:
>The world's first Ecash note has been printed!
>A USD 0.01 note made out to anyone can be found at:
> http://www.veriweb.com/people/jeremey/ecash/1_cent.html
>The data portion of the note is a PDF417 2-D barcode, containing a
>standard ecash payment of 1 US cent.
Congratulations to Jeremey for printing the world's first Ecash note! I
hereby declare Jeremey the winner of the "encoding Ecash as 2D-bar code"
contest. The money will be awarded this Saturday. Now, we need decoding
software. :-)
[There is a $100 reward (out of my own pocket) for the first freeware
decoder. Source required. This is a "just for fun" contest. I know that
$100 won't pay for the time spent on the project.]
-- Marc Briceno <mailto:marc@digicash.com>
Ecash(tm) Electronic Cash Evangelist/Developers Support