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Re: Is Sandy really censoring criticisms of Stronghold, his product?


In <v03007804af2160f848b5@[]>, on 02/07/97 at 05:03 PM,
   "Timothy C. May" <tcmay@got.net> said:

>I'm also neither stupid nor disingenuous. I realize full well that Vulis
>probably made the claim because he knows Sandy works for the seller of
>Stronghold. Be that as it may, it is not proper for a censor employed by the
>seller of a product to decide that criticisms of his product are flamish. Would
>the list have countenanced censorship of criticisms of an RSADSI product if the
>list were being censored by an employee of RSADSI? And by letting Vulis make
>such a claim, and then having it quickly rebutted by other employees of C2Net,
>for example, Vulis would be shown to be spreading disinformation and his
>reputation capital would decline still further.

I had posted to the list earlier about the problem of moderation & reputation

I beleive that the moderation of a group has a negitive affect on building a
reputation based system within the group.

If all the spam & flames are filtered out from the list and we only see the
"good" side of the posters then they will tend to gain greater reputation
capital then they deserve.

I do find the accusation that Sandy blocked the posting of a message critizing
the company he works for rather troubling. Though there are several

1 - It is just more FUD.

2 - Snafu. As I am sure everyone here is aware of that this happend more often
    than not with computer system.

3 - It's true. This would be realy sad and probably do irreparable harm to
    Sandy's reputation.

I hope that it is #1 or #2 if it is #3 I doubt that I will stay any longer on
the cypherpunks list. :(

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William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
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Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
Finger whgiii@amaranth.com for PGP Key and other info
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