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Re: Enlightened commentary on Netizen.
At 08:41 PM 2/6/97 -0800, Anil Das wrote:
>First, Rebecca Vesely has a special report, the main thrust
>of which is that three firms being allowed to export 56 bit
>encryption indicates flexibility on the part of the
>To top it off, here are two gems from the followup discussion.
> Ric Allan (ricrok) on Wed, 5 Feb 97 11:53 PST
> If it takes a college student four hours to break
> a 40bit code it should take him/her about six
> hours to do the same to 56bits. Then what excuses
> are the government and its butt-kissing companies
> going to give us for not allowing *real* coding?
Ironically, we (the good guys) are going to be the beneficiaries of an
ignorant public, for a change! We all know that difficulty is not linear
with bit-size, but hearing that "40 bits is crackable in four hours!" will
be interpreted by non-technical people as a strong level of suspicion
directed at DES as well.
Jim Bell