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Re: RC5-12/32/6 contest solved
> From: Germano Caronni <caronni@tik.ee.ethz.ch>
> Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 18:52:23 +0100 (MET)
> To: crypto-challenge@rsa.com
> Cc: gec@acm.org, challenge@tik.ee.ethz.ch, coderpunks@toad.com
> Subject: RC5-12/32/6 contest solved
> challenge: RC5-32/12/6
> solution: 74 a3 53 cc 0b 19
> name: Germano Caronni et al.
> address: Germano Caronni
> Talstrasee 7
> CH-8102 Oberengstringen
> (Switzerland)
> email: gec@acm.org
> phone: +41 1 6327006
> time: from start of contest until Mon Feb 10 18:52:23 1997
> method: again, massive distributed coordinated keysearch
> done:
Congratulations! This is the longest symmetric key ever brute forced
in public.
Now, onto cracking DES, which is probably easier than 56 bit RC5.
I have NT/Win95/(portable C) code and executables available to
US/Canadian citizens in the US/Canada.
If you want a copy (I'm up to version 0.6, a late beta), then
send ptrei@acm.org your:
1. Real name and residence address.
2. A statement that you are aware of and will abide by the
US/Canadian export regulations.
3. A statement that you are a US/Canadian citizen, or a US
Green Card holder.
4. The email address to which to send the software.
I will hold this information in confidence.
Peter Trei