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Teledesic Looks At SS-18's

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Sender: investor@LunaCity.com
To: "Space Investors Mailing List" <space-investors@LunaCity.com>
From: Michael_Wallis@sec.sel.sony.com
Reply-To: "Space Investors Mailing List" <space-investors@LunaCity.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 11:59:44 -0800
Organization: LunaCity BBS - (Clan Zen Relay Network) Mountain View, CA
Subject: Teledesic Looks At SS-18's
X-Mailserver: Waffle File Server (WFS), Release 3.2.ag
X-Article: 285

Teledesic Might Launch With Converted SS-18s

Teledesic Corp. is talking with a newly formed Russian-Ukrainian
group about launching up to 204 Teledesic satellites into low Earth
orbit aboard converted SS-18 missiles.

The Dnepr rocket is backed by the Russian and Ukrainian governments.
Their space agencies are partners in a joint-venture company to sell
commercial launch services. Askond of Moscow and Ukraine's Yuzhnoye
State Design Bureau are marketing the Dnepr. Teledesic, a U.S.
telecommunications company, plans to place about 900 satellites in


Michael Wallis, Computer Consultant     Work: mwallis@sec.sel.sony.com
http: //www.wallis.com/                 Home: mwallis@wallis.com

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Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"Never attribute to conspiracy what can be
explained by stupidity." -- Jerry Pournelle
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