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Re: Recommendation: Creation of "alt.cypherpunks"

The ways of the alt.* hierarchy are such that it would be best if at
least some of this discussion were made in alt.config .

Virtually anyone can issue a newgroup message.  The trick is to issue
one that newsadmins will honor.  That purpose will be well served by
proposing and discussing the group in alt.config .  Issues that sway
newsadmins there include:

The perception of need:  The high volume of cypherpunks traffic plus
the impending loss of its home on toad.com should be sufficient.

"Proper" naming.  Unless one is anticipating a growth of
alt.cypherpunks.* newsgroups in the future (alt.cypherpunks.flames?
alt.cypherpunks.sources? etc.)  new alt.* newsgroups are better
received if they don't have top-level names.  Using existing top-level
hierarchies is better (e.g. alt.security.cypherpunks or 
alt.privacy.cypherpunks).  It is best to have a name likely to be
considered well-formed already in mind when one makes the initial 
proposal, because bickering about naming can distract from the actual
merits of the proposal.

Tim's proposed charter is a fine start, and probably needs little
or no modification.

I say it's a fine idea. Who bells the cat?

Alan Bostick               | My conclusion is that this is most likely an 
                           | exceptionally well executed fake. It remains the
mailto:abostick@netcom.com | most authentic alien image that I have ever seen.
news:alt.grelb             |      Whitley Strieber