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Re: Cocksucker Gilmore's Big Adventure


mpd@netcom.com (Mike Duvos) writes:
> John Gilmore <gnu@toad.com> writes:
>  > Sandy has agreed to continue moderation through the end of the
>  > original 1-month experiment (through Feb 19).  And it's a good
>  > thing, too, because the "cypherpunks community" had better get
>  > off its whining butt in the next ten days, or it will no longer
>  > exist.
> Ten days notice to relocate a high volume mailing list is
> insufficient.  This is yet another ultimatum by a whining coward
> who does not yet realize he is in a battle he is not going to win
> by escalation of reciprocal pissing.
<big, disgusted, snip>

You know, I was vaugley offended by John's comments about whiny
cypherpunks, until I read this message and realized who he was talking
about. John, thank you for your years of service to the cypherpunk
community 9such as it is), and Sandy, thanks for your well-intentioned
(but doomed from day one) efforts to take some resopnsibility for our
current mess. It's too bad things had to end in such a pissy way, but
anyone who wants to dole out blame should realize that in an anarchy,
all members are responsible for the maintainence of freedom.


"standing on top of the world/ never knew how you never could/ never knew
 why you never could live/ innocent life that everyone did" -Wormhole

Version: 2.6.2
